Starlizard Integrity Services are proud to have helped deliver the very first European University Institute School of Transnational Governance executive training programme on “Integrity in Sports – The Existential Crisis of Sports Governance, Corruption and Match-Fixing”. Aimed at educating sports integrity practitioners and students, the programme seeks to raise the standard of sports integrity work by setting a gold standard for those working in the integrity sector.

A total of 16 students from around the world participated in the inaugural programme, half of whom were facilitated by the Starlizard Integrity Services Scholarship Fund for deserving students.
The training programme provides an intensive, hands-on, and practical education – developed “for practitioners, by practitioners”. Participants learn the key concepts, gain access to the tools and resources available and become equipped with the robust skills needed to combat sports corruption.
The programme is rigorous and taught in clear, direct language by experts from around the world, including Professor Declan Hill, Professor Miguel Poiares Maduro and Nick Raudenski. Starlizard Integrity Services experts deliver an anti-match fixing masterclass that covers the ‘crime scene investigation’: analysing behaviours both in the betting markets and on the field of play and tying it all together in order to develop a strong evidential platform.